Meet Caitlin
After spending the last decade focused on engaging the community, Caitlin Klimm-Kellner is working to become a broader agent of change and is enthusiastically running for the Baltimore County Council in District 6.

Issues in District 6

Caitlin attended Baltimore County Public Schools from elementary through high school, and she understands the great importance of our teachers and staff in BCPS. We must ensure that every student in Baltimore County and in District 6 has equitable access to the education that they deserve.

Green Space & Revitalization
Caitlin understands how valuable our green space is. Caitlin has advocated for multiple parks in District 6, successfully worked on and testified for major improvements at Linover Park, and testified for the downzoning of multiple parks to Neighborhood Commons. As councilwoman, Caitlin will continue the work to improve our green space.

Public Safety
Given Caitlin’s experience as a community leader, she knows how strong the need is for improvements to public safety and for helping to strengthen our resident-police relationships.